
Inicio » Medical Specialities » Psychology
The psychology service of Salvum Clinic aims to take care of the health of our patients in an integral way, both physically and emotionally.

Beatriz Cota is a Sanitary Psychologist with specialization in Health and Wellness Sciences. She carries out a program of Positive Psychology; destined to work with the positive aspects of the people and the families towards a balance of the possible misalignments or disharmonies.

With extensive experience, Beatriz Cota has been working with families for 20 years and currently works as a Forensic Psychologist.

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Psicology Gran Alacant - Angelica Giordano

Angélica Giordano Caraballo

¿Are you looking for psychology in Gran Alacant or Santa Pola?

Psychology is the science that studies human behavior, as well as mental processes and, in general, everything related to human experience. One of the most important roles in our daily life is the balance between the factors that condition human health: biological, psychological and social.

From Clinica Gran Alacant we want to make available to our patients the service of Psychology in Gran Alacant, focused on providing the necessary tools to regain personal well-being and balance.

From the hand of Angelica Giordano Caraballo, graduated as a General Health Psychologist, Master in Health Psychology and with extensive experience also as a nurse in hospitalization and in E.M.D.R. you will learn to control and manage your emotions properly, to develop your skills and abilities and to evolve at personal and professional level, which will improve your self-esteem and your health.

The psychology services we offer are:
  • Grief management.
  • Anxiety.
  • Trauma (post-traumatic stress).
  • Couple problems.
  • Eating disorders in
  • Adolescents.
  • Family therapy.
Hi, Clinica Gran Alacant!